We are the resident ponies at Tweeddale, home of the Gordon Group Riding for the Disabled.
For only £10 per month, you can help feed and care for us. This will allow over 65 children and adults enjoy both ridden and non-ridden activities each week.
In return you will receive a certificate, 2 photos of your chosen pony, name on stable door, regular updates on your pony’s progress and an annual visit to meet and groom your pony.
Click on our pictures below to learn more about us.
Gordon Group RDA is a member of the National Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) and of the Grampian and Highland Regional RDA. We are a registered Scottish Charitable Incorporated Association (SC028676). www.gordonrda.org
Gordon RDA, Tweeddale, Keithhall Estate, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire. AB51 0LU
07739 752013